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Energy Aggregation

As stated below, the ELECTRIC  AGGREGATION contract EXPIRES on your MAY 2025 meter reading.  Please click link below to see the information mailing that is being sent out to every home owner in the City of Deer Park.

Electric Aggregation Notice


As a Deer Park resident (& some smaller Deer Park businesses), you are automatically enrolled in the City's energy aggregation program, which is a contracted rate for gas and electric supply.  This was voted on by the residents of the City of Deer Park (in 2012). (The billing & services will still come from Duke Energy.)  You may opt out at any time.  Beginning Oct of 2022, we are with AEP Energy for gas pricing with renewal Oct 2024 thru Oct 2025; and effective June 2023, we are with Energy Harbor for electricity pricing until that contract expires in May 2025. 

2/24/2023 and 2024: Latest electric pricing news (new supplier):

The City’s electric aggregation program with Dynegy expired on the December 2022 Duke bill. Energy Alliances, the City’s aggregation consultant, negotiated with multiple suppliers and was able to lock in a rate of 6.42¢ per kWh with Energy Harbor starting with the June 2023 bill and continuing through the May 2025 bill (24 bill periods). 

The 6.42¢ per kWh may sound high. However, based on how Duke uses an auction process to set their generation supply rates (learn more here), Energy Alliances anticipates that Duke’s default generation rate will around 9.5¢ per kWh starting with the June 2023 bill.

A rate of 6.42¢ per kWh for the aggregation would save participants around 30% compared to taking Duke’s default supply rate.  

The aggregation will have no termination fees with participants able to leave at any time without paying a fee.

Those eligible for the aggregation program should see opt-out letters mailed in the second half of March, 2023. 





Please click on link below for more details.

Click here for flyer on gas and electric rates and supplier.

Feel free to contact our consultant, Energy Alliances, at 513-794-5555  with questions or concerns.


Click here for Summary of Electric Aggregation Program for Deer Park residents through Dec 2022.

NOTE:  The gas aggregation contract with Constellation NewEnergy contract expired May 2022.  The City reverted to Duke Energy gas pricing for the summer of 2022.  Beginning in October, 2022, the City has a new aggregation supplier - AEP Energy.



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