What are your Health & Safety Concerns
We Need YOUR HELP! We want to know what YOU think!
Deer Park has partnered with the Hamilton County Department of Public Health (HCPH), in a program called, WeTHRIVE!.
WeTHRIVE! is a county-wide initiative to make healthy living easier. Through this program, HCPH can provide resources and assistance with health promoting initiatives that can be used to improve the health and wellness of our Deer Park citizens. We NEED your HELP to make Deer Park a WeTHRIVE! Community.
Please take a few moments to complete this very short survey and share what you feel are the most important health and safety concerns in our community.
Your answers are private and cannot be linked to you. The results of this survey will be used to complete a health assessment report for the Hamilton County communities.
The more responses the better, so please feel free to share with friends and family who might also have opinions.