Duke Energy Pipeline Open Public Hearing
FYI: RE: Duke Energy proposed gas pipeline: The Ohio Power Siting Board is hosting an Open Public Hearing on Thursday, March 21st from 3PM-8PM at UC Blue Ash Muntz Hall (9555 Plainfield Rd, Blue Ash OH 45236) to allow statements from members of the affected public who are not parties to the case. (An initial public hearing was held in June 2017.)
Additionally, ref: the OPSB Evidentiary Hearing: The evidentiary (adjudicatory) hearing will be held at 10:00 a.m. on Tuesday, April 9, 2019, to allow parties to the case to provide sworn testimony and cross-examine witnesses. This hearing will take place at the Public Utilities Commission of Ohio (PUCO) at:
Hearing Room 11-A
180 E. Broad Street
Columbus, OH 43215