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City Council Employment Opportunities Hamilton County R3SOURCE Park Recycling NewsCONSTRUCTION UPDATE
The concrete and sod restoration will be complete by the end of this week in Deer Park.
The bore (@ the R/R) is ready to start. We will close the section of Plainfield between Webster and Blue Ash beginning 5/6/24. The southbound traffic will be a full-time day and night closure. The full-time southbound closure will be in effect for approximately 5 weeks. The north bound traffic will be a working hours closure on an as needed basis.
Once the bore is complete, we will still have approximately 4 weeks of work remaining in this section. We will have a working hours closure on an as needed basis.
Paving is still tentatively scheduled to start in mid-June.
Yoga in the Park !
The Deer Park Park Board & Natasha of NKO YOGA Ltd (located in Deer Park !) bring you Yoga in the Park, Saturday mornings, starting May 4th, 2024 through September 7, 2024, @ 10 a.m. The fee is $10 per person. Event is weather permitting. (Minimum age is 13.)
Meet in front of City Hall. Event is 10 am - noon.
Rain date is May 11.
Click on link to view flyer for more information.
Hamilton County Recycling Compost bin sale
Hamilton County Recycling: Compost Bin Sale May 2 - June 1, 2024. Click on link below for details.
Notice of Accepting Applications
2024 Summer Help - Deer Park Service Dept, Deer Park, Ohio
Applications are available at the Deer Park Municipal Building, 7777 Blue Ash Rd., Deer Park, Ohio, 45236 and on the City website
- The main portion of the project will be replacing the current roadway section between Lake and the railroad with new asphalt and curb. This will also include new concrete drive aprons in this section (from road to sidewalk), new storm sewer, and new ADA accessible curb ramps at the intersections. Sidewalk will be replaced in sections, as needed.
- The street between Plainfield and Lake will be resurfaced only.
- With the addition of curb on both sides of the roadway, parking will be limited to the north side of the street only once the project is completed.
- Duke Gas performed some service line and main line lowering ahead of the project. Our contractor is currently beginning on a water main replacement for the length of Oakwood, which is also part of the City project. Once this work is complete, the main roadway project will begin.
- The total project is tentatively scheduled to be completed this fall.
Everything has been pushed out due to boring under the railroad tracks (this is an eight-week project) and concrete work is being reschedule as well during this same time.
NEW Target date is now June 24,2024 for paving. Construction Schedules are a fluid situation.
Below is the schedule provide below.
- Complete watermain related work and concrete restoration in Silverton on Plainfield between Blue Ash Rd and Montgomery by 3/14/24.
- Complete watermain related work on Deer Park Ave by 3/21/24
- Begin catch basin repair/replacement 3/18/24 this work will take approximately 2 weeks. This work will begin in Silverton and head north.
- Begin permanent sod area restoration 3/19/24 in Silverton and head north. This work will take approximately 3 weeks.
- Begin permanent concrete restoration 3/25/24 in Silverton and head north. This work will take approximately 6 week.
- Begin bore pit excavation 4/29/24.(the bore contractor has adjusted his schedule) The bore and subsequent water main work on Plainfield between Webster and the train tracks will take approximately 8 weeks.
- Begin permanent asphalt restoration 6/24/24.
The Oakwood Avenue Street Improvement project will start in full swing starting Monday March 11, 2024; starting with saw cutting, additional digging for water line replacement, and then reconstruction of the street.
Receive a $100 VISA gift card when you purchase a new battery-powered lawn mower after January 1, 2024 and upload a receipt for verification. There is a limited supply of gift cards: first come, first served. You must be a resident of Butler, Clermont, Clinton, Hamilton, or Warren counties, Ohio. One gift card per household.
To register or for more information click link below:
Early voting for the March primary election has begun – please be reminded that this is only done at the Board of Elections in Norwood. For additional information, you can go to Hamilton County's Board of Elections website: