Due Dates
City Income Tax Filing
Individual Returns - *NOTE*
The deadline to file your City of Deer Park taxes and have any balance due paid is April 15, 2024.
Tax 513-794-8863. City phone: 513-794-8860. Fax 513-794-8866. Our website www.deerpark-oh.gov has phone numbers, email addresses, and secure email option. There is also a drop box in the municipal parking lot.
Estimated Payments
Required quarterly payments if estimated liability is $200 or greater.
1st payment - with filing, by April 15th
2nd payment - by June 15th
3rd payment - by September 15th
4th payment - by January 15th
Balance Due with next filing, April 15th
1st payment - with filing, by April 15th
2nd payment - by June 15th
3rd payment - by September 15th
4th payment - by January 15th
Balance Due with next filing, April 15th
Business Returns - On or before May 15th or the 15th day of the 4th month following the end of fiscal year.
1st payment - 15th of the fourth month after fiscal year end (or 4/15)
2nd payment - 15th of the sixth month after fiscal year end (or 6/15)
3rd payment - 15th of the ninth month after fiscal year end (or 9/15)
4th payment - 15th of the twelfth month after fiscal year end (or 12/15)
Balance Due with next filing, 15th of the fourth month after FYE
2nd payment - 15th of the sixth month after fiscal year end (or 6/15)
3rd payment - 15th of the ninth month after fiscal year end (or 9/15)
4th payment - 15th of the twelfth month after fiscal year end (or 12/15)
Balance Due with next filing, 15th of the fourth month after FYE
Withholding Reconciliations - On or before February 28th.
Withholdings Required monthly unless withholdings are less than $2,400/year.
Monthly: 15th day of following month
Quarterly: last day of the month after quarter end (4/30, 7/31, 10/31, 1/31)